Dallas Womxn
Womxn’s Program
Hello! And welcome to Dallas RFC Womxn
We have recently finished up our 7s season and due the enormous response of the USA Womxn’s Rugby Olympic success we want to let you know that currently we are holding a Rookie/ Introduction to Rugby camp on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30pm-until dark. The training location is Lake Highlands Park ( 9500 E. Lake Highlands Park Dr. Dallas, TX) We would love to have you come out and give rugby a shot. Just fill out the form on the bottom of the page so that one of the members on our recruitment team can get into contact with you!
Here are some important items you will want to bring with you on your new rugby journey.
- Cleats (commonly referred to as boots in rugby)
- Mouthguard (we want to make sure you keep all them pearly whites)
- Water bottle
- Change of clothes (in case you want to drive home in dry clothes)
- A positive Mindset.
We are an awesome and spirited womxn’s rugby team in Dallas, TX that competes in Division 2 of the Red River Rugby Conference. We play teams from Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana. No experience is necessary. The team is open to womxn new to rugby and rugby veterans. We will teach you how to be fast, strong, aggressive, and powerful. Welcome to our fantastic rugby family.
15s Season (October-June)
- The 15s season in Texas usually runs from October until June.
- For more information what rugby 15’s is, check out this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOJejnPI0p0&t=20s
- For 15’s season the Dallas Womxn usually train on Monday and Wednesday nights from 7pm-9pm
- Training location for 15’s season is Bob Macnab Rugby Pitch, University of Dallas, Irving, TX.

7s Season ( June- September)
- The 7s Season in Texas usually runs from June until the end of September.
- For more information on what 7s rugby is, check out this link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e894rFZvqQ
- For 7’s season the Dallas Womxn train on Tuesday and Thursday’s from 7pm-9pm.
- The training location for 7s season is Lake Highlands Park (9500 E. Lake Highlands Dr. Dallas, TX
Match day
Unless otherwise stated all Dallas RFC Womxn home games are played at Lake Highlands Park in Dallas, TX (9500 E. Lake Highlands Dr. Dallas, TX
Post match social
All home post match socials are held at the Christies Sports Bar the Official bar of Dallas RFC